Mommy & Me

Mommy & Me is an interactive monthly program for moms and tots to experience Jewish traditions in a stimulating, fun, and creative environment.  For ages 0-5 years.

We offer two clubs for children ages 6-13 where children can embrace their roots and gain a true sense of Jewish pride.

Club Aleph

1. Club Aleph Hebrew School-Children explore their incredible Jewish history and master Hebrew skills of reading and writing. Participants meet weekly on Sundays.

Jewish Kids Club

2.  Jewish Kids Club- Children gain an understanding of the traditions and holidays of Judaism through crafts, songs and interactive games.

Bar/Bas Mitzva

We offer Bar/ Bas Mitzva lessons to prepare your child for the most important day of young adulthood. Lessons are tailored to each individual girl and boy to make their day meaningful and relevant to them. Call us to schedule your child's Bar/ Bas Mitzva and lessons.

Camp Gan Israel

Camp Gan Israel Day Camp will give your child a fun filled, wholesome Jewish summer experience.